A Santa Cruz City and County Like Me: Balance and Equity in Government

Event Date: September 21, 2023

Have you ever wondered who serves on the various commissions and committees that advise staff and elected officials for the City of Santa Cruz (City) and the County of Santa Cruz (County)? Do you work with community leaders who might want to serve on a commission or committee for the City or County but don’t know where to begin?

Watch the video below, featuring presenters from the City of Santa Cruz, the County, and Ventures to:

  • Learn about the City of Santa Cruz’s and County of Santa Cruz’s effort to increase diversity and representation in committees and commissions.

  • Learn more about advisory bodies and for the City and County, openings, and how to apply.

  • Learn how you and your organizations can help the City and County increase diversity and representation in committees and commissions.

Watch the Presentation

In English

In Spanish

Please share your feedback about this CORE Institute event in this brief survey in English or Spanish

If you are interested in connecting the County or City of Santa Cruz to diverse community members through your organization’s website, newsletter, or social media, please contact Berny Lazareno, Management Analyst for the City of Santa Cruz, at blazareno@santacruzca.gov.

Brought to you by CORE Investments

Hosts: Nicole Young & Nicole Lezin


  • Tiffany Wise-West and Bonnie Bush, City of Santa Cruz

  • Nicole Coburn and Rita Sanchez, County of Santa Cruz

  • Kayla Gomez, Santa Cruz Community Ventures

Shared Resources:

Interpreted by: Oscar Rios

Bilingual Chat support: Gisella Carrasco

Presented in English with simultaneous interpretation into Spanish.


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